Myths And Facts About Heart  Disease
Heart Disease is inevitable, mostly fatal & reversible disease

Fact : Heart Disease is one of the most preventable, predictable & treatable disease. With regular yearly health checkup after 35 yrs. age, comprehensive control of the risk factors by lifestyle changes & medicines and increased health awareness most of the heart attacks (up to 80%) can be prevented and well controlled and the process of Atheroscelorosis can be stabilised for years and even reversed to some extent (by 15-25%)

Healthier changes in lifestyle, regular medical checkups not only help prevent heart disease and improve quality of life but also prolongs life very effectively.
       Remember, healthy lifestyle regular medical treatment are strongest defence against heart disease.

Myth : Atheroscelorosis (heart disease) starts late in life and only slowly progresses.
Fact : In fact, atherosclerosis starts quite early in life, in the early twenties, and progresses at a variable pace depending upon the presence of and control of various risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, blood cholesterol, stress, smoking/tobacco, etc. If these risk factors are uncontrolled, atherosclerosis can rapidly progress within a few weeks and can even lead to premature plaque rupture, blood clot formation and heart attack. Conversely, if the risk factors are well controlled, the process can remain steady for years or even reverse by up to 10 to 25%.  

       This explains why some young persons having normal angiogram a few weeks back get heart attack and some patients with severe but stable blockages remain safe for many years.

Myth : Aethroscelorosis cannot be reversed.
Fact : Reversal Of Atherosclerosis – A Proven Reality. Several recent studies have proved beyond doubt that fatty deposit causing heart disease can be reversed upto 20-25%.(Circulation journal, August 2004 article) and even a small degree of reversal of 3 to 10% and plaque stabilization  by aggressive medical management and Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC) Program can surprisingly reduce symptoms of angina and risk of heart attack by a big margin of 40 to 60%.
Myth - The Severity of Atherosclerotic Coronary Blockages is a Good Indicator of the Likelihood of a Heart Attack.
 Fact : Clinical research studies have consistently shown that heart attacks are most often prompted by blockages of less than 50%. Clinical studies have revealed that 65% of all heart attacks occur at the site of atherosclerotic blockages that are under 50% and that 90% of all heart attacks occur at the site of atherosclerotic blockages that are less than 70%.

        Only about 10 - 20% of heart attacks occurred at sites in the coronary artery where the blockages exceeded 70% yet bypass surgery and angioplasty usually address only these blockages. The most threatening blockages, those less than 50% are not treated by angioplasty or bypass surgery.

Myth - Bypass surgery / angioplasty ensure freedom from heart attack for at least afew years
Fact : The reason why these surgical procedures (PTCA and CABG) are not generally effective in improving your chances of survival or reducing your risk of heart attack, is because they treat the wrong blockages in the coronary arteries.
Most heart patients have many other smaller inflamed plaques (less than 50%) scattered in their coronary arterial system. These plaques are quite large under the surface of the artery lining and are initially accommodated by outer expansion of the artery and hence cannot be visualized by coronary angiography. These early, inflamed, thin cap covered plaques are far more likely to rupture and cause a blood clot & heart attack than older, more advanced, thick cap covered plaques which cause anginal symptoms but are stable.
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